Using addanalysis on a run unhides it.
(This explains a lot. How can a run be visible if no one uses "unhide" in the ng6 http logs?)
This can definitely be tested easily, but I'll ask Jules if I need an exemple.
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- Romain Therville changed milestone to %V3.3
changed milestone to %V3.3
- Romain Therville added Bug label
added Bug label
- Romain Therville assigned to @rtherville
assigned to @rtherville
- Author Developer
Tested on the following run :
The run is still hidden. TODO: look for a better exemple with Jules.
Collapse replies - Developer
Look at this nG6 run :
I had add two supplementary analysis on this run. The run was hiden before the first add. A the end of it, the run was unhiden. I hid it and I add another analysis. The run was stil hiden...
- Author Developer
More NG6 runs concerned :
PS : No, I can't test on those...
Edited by Romain Therville - Author Developer
bugged run ids: project 1648 run 19411, project 1849 run 19186, project 1849 run 19187
I couldn't find the bug's origin in the request or htaccess file. Let's dive in the sources.
- Author Developer
I can't confirm about addanalysis yet, bug hiding/unhiding an analysis often impacts the parent run.
- Author Developer
See the following :
Unhidding a run unhides its analyses.
Unhiding an analyse unhides its run AND project.
The "cascade" option is always on. We could change that...
- Author Developer
Modify the calls here to avoid unhide_run() and unhide_analysis() from impacting the run/project above.
- Romain Therville mentioned in commit 4111f259
mentioned in commit 4111f259
- Romain Therville mentioned in merge request !138 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !138 (merged)
- Author Developer
The fix above didn't work.
What we have:
- unhide impacts the elements above and below
- hide impacts the elements above and below
What we want:
- unhide impacts the elements below
- hide impacts the elements below
When we use tx_nG6_db::unhide_run() and tx_nG6_db::unhide_analysis() with $unhide_up=false, one problem remains...
-> Unhiding an analysis ALWAYS impacts the run above, for no apparant reason.
- Romain Therville mentioned in merge request !139 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !139 (merged)
- Romain Therville mentioned in commit c4881413
mentioned in commit c4881413
- Romain Therville mentioned in merge request !140 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !140 (merged)
- Romain Therville closed